« Forms Catalogue


Form Description  
CM1 Application to register a freehold estate in commonhold land
CM2 Application for the freehold estate to cease to be registered as a freehold estate in commonhold land during the transitional period
CM3 Application for the registration of an amended commonhold community statement and/or altered articles of association
CM4 Application to add land to a commonhold registration
CM5 Application for the termination of a commonhold registration
CM6 Application for the registration of a successor commonhold association
COE Notification of change of extent of a commonhold unit over which there is a registered charge
Commonhold 1 Notice of proposed commonhold assessment (Form 1)
Commonhold 10 Notice of transfer of a commonhold unit (Form 10)
Commonhold 11 Notice of transfer of part of a commonhold unit (Form 11)
Commonhold 12 Notice of vesting of a commonhold unit by operation of law (Form 12)
Commonhold 13 Notice to a prospective tenant (Form 13)
Commonhold 14 Notice of grant of a tenancy in a commonhold unit (Form 14)
Commonhold 15 Notice to a prospective assignee (Form 15)
Commonhold 16 Notice of assignment of a tenancy in a commonhold unit (Form 16)
Commonhold 17 Complaint notice against commonhold association (Form 17)
Commonhold 18 Reply to complaint notice against commonhold association (Form 18)
Commonhold 19 Default notice (Form 19)
Commonhold 2 Request for payment of commonhold assessment (Form 2)
Commonhold 20 Reply to default notice (Form 20)
Commonhold 21 Request for action (Form 21)
Commonhold 22 Reply to request for action (Form 22)
Commonhold 23 Complaint notice against unit-holder or tenant (Form 23)
Commonhold 24 Reply to complaint notice against unit-holder or tenant (Form 24)
Commonhold 3 Request for payment of emergency commonhold assessment (Form 3)
Commonhold 4 Notice of proposed reserve fund levy (Form 4)
Commonhold 5 Request for payment of reserve fund levy (Form 5)
Commonhold 6 Notice to tenant of diversion of rent (Form 6)
Commonhold 7 Notice to sub-tenant of diversion of rent (Form 7)
Commonhold 8 Notice requesting further details about a tenancy (Form 8)
Commonhold 9 Commonhold unit information certificate (Form 9)
CON1 Consent to the registration of land as commonhold land
CON2 Consent to an application for the freehold estate to cease to be registered as a freehold estate in commonhold land during the transitional period
COV Application for registration with unit-holders
SR1 Notice of surrender of development right(s)

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