What FormEvo Offers

FormEvo is the next generation of legal forms, future proofing your practice.

Our agile development approach allows us to develop new functionality for the road ahead but also react quickly to the unforeseen challenges law firms will face in the years to come.

Over 2000 Forms

We create a full service library across multiple practice areas. Our ability to include digital as well as electronic forms means we can manage the migration from traditional form use to the opportunities digital form submission presents. FormEvo also has access to an experienced team of legal form authors to provide innovations in non-prescribed forms development. In addition we provide a range of forms on behalf of the Law Society.

Sharing and E-Signature

With FormEvo it’s easy to share forms with your colleagues to review, approve or edit and with today’s IT literate clients why not share with them too with EvoVault. Under your control they can review and comment on forms or subject to permission they can edit forms online and e-sign to further increase efficiencies. Our Audit Trail functionality lets you review the form completion process and who was involved and when at any time. We have customised our e-signature functionality around the needs of specific forms and department types, we call this legal nuance and this is what differentiates our service from other providers.

Dedicated Support and Training

We asked our users how they would like to interact with us and the overwhelming response was quickly and with real people who know the application. Every form you generate has a unique reference code allowing us to quickly see where and what your issue is and then quickly resolve. We can even share the screen with you to talk through the problem.

We include free training with our subscriptions and we customise this to the relevant practice areas of your users. We even record the session and send you a copy so you can re-visit this whenever you need to, so when you have new users for example.

FormEvo manages risk and compliance while driving efficiency gains through the following core functionality:

  • The cloud-based library enables remote working, reduces the demand on your IT infrastructure and allows us to take care of the maintenance of the application easily. Subject to permissions users can also have access to colleagues’ part completed forms through an easy-to-use Search facility.
  • The email sent to the client can also be branded with your email signature. Completed forms can then either be printed and signed by the client or you have the option of e-signature functionality.
  • Flexible form templates ensure that you can complete forms quickly and easily regardless of the complexity of the case or the amount of information you need to input. These can also be customised with your own content and saved as templates or you can add your firm’s clause library to the application for further customisation.
  • Intelligent functionality allows you to automate large parts of the form completion process, from automatic calculations, the ability to copy information throughout a form bundle and input commonly used information into a form with the click of a button.
  • A comprehensive technical API is available, which allows your Case/Document Management provider to easily integrate with FormEvo. This in turn allows you to auto-populate client information and more, to then save forms back to your systems.
  • Drawing upon experience from our widely used SDLT.co.uk and MR01.co.uk platforms, we offer your firm a quick and easy way to submit forms digitally to Government agencies from within FormEvo. This removes the time, cost and level of risk associated with postal form submissions.
  • To help your firm navigate the Government’s Digital by Default strategy, when a form can be submitted digitally, users are simply presented with an eSubmit option alongside the conventional print. There is no need for additional training, software configuration, downtime, or cost. It is the same form just digital rather than electronic.
  • Our unique GDPR toolkit allows you to search all partially and fully completed forms for personal data and permanently delete selected information.
  • We also look to employ Guard Rail functionality that checks for potential errors before you submit minimising the opportunity for errors.

Form Bundling, Expandability and Word Forms

Future Proof Solution

Digital Forms and Submissions - We can provide the ability to submit the eAP1 to the Land Registry Business Gateway right now, no need to wait until November 2022!

Furthermore by using our SDLT.co.uk portal to start the eAP1, it can be auto populated saving time and reducing your workload. For commercial transactions you can also link the SDLT data through to Companies House for part completion of your MR01 submission. This consistent experience across different Government agencies keeps things simple and easy for form users rather than having to learn how to submit across various different government agency portals.
Find out more about SDLT.co.uk here

Form Bundling – We maximise the efficiency benefits of linking associated forms together to auto populate and auto calculate plus innovative book marking allows you to see at a glance how much of the form bundle has been completed and employ innovative on the fly navigation tools for customised groups of forms.

Expandability and Word Forms – Our Land Registry forms are provided with Word options as standard and forms have the ability to expand where required.

Data Retention Policy

Control how long your data is securely stored

FormEvo currently has an automated 7-year data Retention Policy prior to the GDPR centric data fields automatically removing the form content.

In 2022 our new EvoShred functionality will allow a ‘Super User Administrator’ to define per ‘Forms category’ the firm's preferred Data Retention Timeline. Effectively you can set your own customised data retention process. So, Conveyancing might by default store data for 5 years, Intellectual Property Rights for 15 years, Tax forms for 7 years. 90 days before we auto delete the Super User Administrator will be notified in a monthly report which they can distribute to staff to ensure they are aware what is being deleted and can amend if necessary.

Click Here for more information

Advanced features for Large Law Firms

FormEvo Enterprise

This year has seen the launch of our FormEvo Enterprise application. Our aim is to recognise the differing needs of the largest UK based firms with additional levels of functionality and service.

  • Gain access to the latest functionality developments pre their release into the live environment.
  • Efficient Single Sign On Login.
  • Control who can access which forms internally.
  • Access to out of hours Support services.
  • Influence our development work through Teams collaboration.

Download the FormEvo Enterprise Overview for more information

A quick glance at some of our key features and benefits

Because FormEvo has the benefit of several years' experience in form software design many common features are present as well as new features helping to reduce errors and improve efficiency. Don't take our word for it, read the testimonials, sign up and try it for yourself.

No up-front costs
Flexible Active User Pricing you can change whenever you wish
Multi platform and device
Secure & Cloud-based
Zero Installation
Easy Collaboration
Built-in Validation
In form messaging & notes
Management and Peer Review
Form Bundling
Pre-populated info
Full Audit Trails
GDPR Toolkit
Ethical Walls
Obfiscated Data
Case and Document Management Integration
Visibility of Form and User Data

Call us on 0330 551 9341 for further details or sign up now.

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