« Forms Catalogue

Court of Protection

Form Description  
COP DOL11 Application to authorise a deprivation of liberty (section 4A(3) and 16(2)(a) of the Mental Capacity Act 2005)
COP FAQ Making an application to the Court of Protection - Frequently asked questions
COP GN1 Applications for the appointment of a deputy for property and financial affairs
COP GN2 Guidance on the sale of jointly owned property
COP GN3 Guidance Note - Applications by existing deputies
COP GN4 Making a personal welfare application to the Court of Protection
COP GN5 Coming for a Hearing at the Court of Protection in London or at one of our regional courts
COP GN8 Applications for Statutory Wills, Gifts, Settlements and other deadlines with P’s property
COPDLA Application form (for urgent consideration) - Deprivation of liberty
COPDLB Declaration of exceptional urgency - Deprivation of liberty
COPDLD Certificate of service/non-service and certificate of notification/non-notification - Deprivation of liberty
COPDLE Acknowledgement of service/notification - Deprivation of liberty
COP1 Application form - electronic signature available
COP1A Annex A - Supporting information for property and affairs applications
COP1B Annex B - Supporting information for personal welfare applications
COP1C Annex C - Supporting information for statutory will, codicil, gift(s), deed of variation or settlement of property
COP1D Annex D - Supporting information for applications to appoint or discharge a trustee
COP1E Annex E- Supporting information for an application by existing deputy or attorney
COP1F Annex F: Supporting information relating to validity or operation of enduring power of attorney (EPA) or lasting power of attorney (LPA)
COP3 Assessment of capacity
COP4 Deputy's declaration
COP5 Acknowledgment of service/notification
COP5A Guidance notes on completing form COP5 - Acknowledgment of service/notification
COP7 Application to object to the registration of a lasting power of attorney (LPA)
COP8 Application relating to the registration of an enduring power of attorney (EPA)
COP9 Application notice
COP10 Application notice for applications to be joined as a party
COP12 Special undertaking by trustees
COP14 Proceedings about you in the Court of Protection
COP14A Guidance notes on completing form COP14 - Proceedings about you in the Court of Protection
COP14PADep Notification form and Acknowledgment of notification - from the person to whom the application relates
COP15 Notice that an application form has been issued
COP15A Guidance notes on completing form COP15 - Notice that an application form has been issued
COP15PADep Notification form and Acknowledgment of notification - persons with an interest in the application
COP20A Certificate of notification/non-notification of the person to whom the proceedings relate
COP20B Certificate of service/non-service notification/non-notification
COP21A Guidance notes on completing form COP20A - Certificate of notification/non-notification of the person to whom the proceedings relate
COP21B Guidance notes on completing form COP20B - Certificate of service/non-service notification/non-notification
COP22 Certificate of suitability of litigation friend
COP23 Certificate of failure or refusal of witness to attend before an examiner
COP24 Witness statement
COP25 Affidavit
COP28 Notice of hearing
COP29 Notice of hearing for committal order
COP30 Notice of change of solicitor
COP31 Notice of intention to file evidence by deposition
COP35 Appellant's notice
COP36 Respondent's notice
COP37 Skeleton argument
COP44 Court of Protection - Fees, exemptions and remissions leaflet
COP44A Apply for help with Court of Protection fees
COP44B A guide to applying for help with Court of Protection fees (02.24)
EX160 Application for help with fees - Electronic signature available
FECON36 Power of Attorney (General Form)
FECON37 General Power of Attorney Under Section 10 of the Powers of Attorney Act 1971

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