« Forms Catalogue

Family Law

Form Description  
C3 Application for an order authorising search for, taking charge of, and delivery of, a child (Section 34 Family Law Act 1986)
FL401T Application for a non-molestation or occupation order - Template supporting Statement
FL401 Application for: a non-molestation order/an occupation order (Family Law Act 1996 (Part IV)) - electronic signature available
FL401A Application for a forced marriage protection order (Part 4A Family Law Act 1996)
FL403 Application to vary, extend or discharge an order in existing proceedings (Parts 4 and 4A Family Law Act 1996) - electronic signature available
FL403A Application to vary, extend or discharge a forced marriage protection order (Family Law Act 1996 Part 4A) - electronic signature available
FL407A Application for a Warrant of Arrest (Forced Marriage Protection Order Part 4A Family Law Act 1996) - electronic signature available
FL415 Statement of service (Family Law Act 1996) - electronic signature available
FL416 Notice of Mortgagees and Landlords (Family Law Act 1996) - electronic signature available
FL430 Application for leave to apply for a forced marriage protection order (Family Law Act 1996 Part 4A)
FL431 Application to be joined as, or cease to be, a party to forced marriage protection proceedings (Family Law Act 1996 Part 4A)
FL700 Guidance notes - Domestic violence injunctions under the Family Law Act - How can they protect me?
FL701 Guidance notes - Forced Marriage Protection Orders - How can they protect me?
FM5 Statement of position on non-court dispute resolution (NCDR) - electronic signature available
FP26 Notice of Acting - FPR10
PNFC Privacy notice for Family Court forms

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